Sunday, January 6, 2019

At Last - The Fairy is Completed - Kit And Clowder Class

Oh my gosh, I am so excited.   I finished coloring the fairy from the December class of Kit and Clowder.  Pleased with the results, but going to try a different type of coloring paper for my next project.   Alyce gives many suggestions on her website, I used a pencil paper I had here.    Just a reminder that Kit and Clowder has both classes for markers and pencils and offers conversion sheets for many of the brands. 

The fairy is a digital stamp image from Connie Fong
I did the coloring myself.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today.


  1. You did a great job. Her eyes are mesmerizing and the butterfly wings have such a wonderful luster to them. Congratulations. [And the paper quality really does make a great difference. So have fun experimenting.]

    1. Kathy, thank you so much. I had purchased an off-brand, and while it worked it wasn't the full outcome I was expecting. I have learned a great deal just with this one class. Can't wait to do more.


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